Wednesday, February 15, 2012

30-day Fitness Challenge: Are You Game?

UPDATE: The Fitness Challenge has ended, but keep up the great work!

I stumbled across a 30-day fitness challenge by Evernote Fitness Ambassador, Chad Williams.  I'm taking the challenge and challenging you as well.  You can read the full blog post on the 30-day fitness challenge, but first read on.

The challenge is fully customizable.  You pick any combination of the four challenges:

  • 100 sit ups per day.
  • 100 stairs per day.
  • Water only to drink
  • No sugar
Again, the challenge is fully customizable, so you can adjust the numbers to make it your own challenge.  This is intended to get you off your butt and to take action toward a healthy lifestyle, not dread each day.  Make it fun.

I have chosen to do the 100 sit ups and water-only challenges. I'm making one exception.  I drink a glass of OJ every morning.  Also, I'm adding my own extra challenge of 100 push ups each day for myself.

Here is what I'm asking of you:

  1. Commit to one or more of the challenges for 30 days, even if you're starting late! Let me know your plans in the comments below.
  2. Follow @whoschadwick on twitter to keep up with my progress and hold me accountable if I start slacking.
  3. Keep me informed on your progress. Let me know how you're doing along the way by either commenting below or @mentioning me in some of your progress posts on twitter or facebook.
  4. Share this with everyone you know and challenge them as well. This is important for accountability.
  5. Finally, don't forget to check out the full challenge on Evernote and be sure to participate in the twitter party on March 15.  I'll be there.
Since I'm posting on the day of the challenge, I'll wait until March 22 (or a few days after) to decide on a winner.

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